UNIPROJET is a private and authorised organisation, coordinator of a wide European net of companies and institutions which are competent in the fields of education, training and development. Our mission, on one side, consist in supporting people’s education and the training at a European/ international levels and on the other side, in encouraging individuals’ mobility and integration so as they can improve their general competences and skills.


Finally, our task is focused on supporting and encouraging actions and initiatives which main objective is to guarantee the cohesion and the development of our societies.

Our work philosophy is a whole of values which results have always been satisfactory and honourable. Our compendium of values is the following:

Cooperation & Projects Coordination


UniProjet is an expert agency which provides quality training placements in the field of continuing education & training. Since January 2003, we have placed in Spain more than 941 people in the frame of Leonardo Da Vinci mobility projects (European Commission) for periods of 3 weeks to 6 months, in cooperation with companies and regional/national organisations.

We have coordinated projects and professional visits in the frame of the ESF programme and have managed seminars and conferences on very specific items.

We dispose of all the necessary resources in order to bring and propose inmmediate solutions which might be perfectly adapted to each person and situation and we also provide the trainees with the most suitable training in order to favour and promote their professional competitivity at a European or international level.

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Main spheres of activities

International Mobility & Training for International Competitivity

  • Management and organisation of educative, training and professional placements at a European and international levels
  • Information and counselling in the fields of European education and professional mobility programmes
  • Management of training programmes for employment
  • Management of training programmes about Human Resources Management & International Competitivity
  • Certificates of the professional competences acquired during the training experience

Training on Foreign Languages & Cultures and Applied Foreign Languages

  • Counselling and orientation in the frame of languages learning
  • Management of courses and workshops about foreign languages and cultures
  • Preparation for the official exams in Spanish, French, English plus the levels A1-A2, B1-B2 y C1-C2 (CEFR)
  • Official certificates for the language skills

Management & organisation of seminars, conferences & courses

  • Management of courses and training workshops about the European Union and its Institutions
  • Management of training courses about International Institutions for Cooperation & Development
  • Management of seminars, conferences, courses, etc… in collaboration with experts and professionals

European Cooperation & International for Development

  • Management and projects coordination in the field of Education, Science and Culture at a European and International levels.